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Lana Davis
2 min read
6 Unorthodox Healthy Hacks
I can easily share some of the traditional meal prepping, healthy eating & snack swaps I’ve shared before, but this post is about those...

Lana Davis
1 min read
10 Must Have High Fiber Foods
American Heart Association Eating Plan suggests eating a variety of food fiber sources. Total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30...

Lana Davis
2 min read
Fiber Facts & Food
Remember FIBER can be found in many of our everyday foods, so before you head to the market and stock up on, “HIGH FIBER FOODS” you can...

Lana Davis
2 min read
7 Pointers for Nutrition Labels
If you understand how to use it, you can understand how a specific food item can fit into your overall diet! Serving Size : Is a...

Lana Davis
2 min read
Why Weight Doesn't Matter
Girl, stop stepping on that scale expecting to see results or feel better! Let me give you the truth, scales don’t mean anything and all...

Lana Davis
2 min read
When’s the best time to work out?
AM WORKOUTS: If you’re like me, you probably prefer getting your workouts done earlier in the day. AM workouts are the perfect way to...

Lana Davis
1 min read
5 Facts about Proper Form
We are constantly inundated with fitness influences it really is hard to know whether we are completing exercise safely and with proper...

Lana Davis
2 min read
Why, water....
Whether you use a water bottle or jug, glasses, cups or mason jars it’s really important you stay hydrated with clean water. Adult humans...

Lana Davis
1 min read
Mindful vs Mindless Challenges
It all starts in the mind: Everything we want to achieve starts right in our mind and when we commit to a new goal whether financial,...

Lana Davis
1 min read
5 Ways to fit in 30 min of fitness
1. Plan your workout: Pick 3 Days & Times you know work best for you. Choose times when your children are sleeping or before the family...

Lana Davis
1 min read
Why we use Resistance Bands
if you are looking for an easy to use, store and pack fitness equipment, you'll want to invest in LABB BANDS. Resistance Bands are: 1....

Lana Davis
1 min read
5 Tips to Making your workout a Routine
I’ve already set my 2022 goals and with that comes making a realistic routine to achieve those goals. I know “WORKING OUT MORE” is a goal...

Lana Davis
1 min read
5 Cues for an Effective Squat
Squats are the best compound move known to man! I know everybody has done a squat challenge by now and we all want to see and feel the...

Lana Davis
1 min read
All you need to know about DOMS
But whether your soreness stems from a challenging workout, a new program or returning to activity after an injury what you are feeling...

Lana Davis
2 min read
How to avoid the notorious Weekend Sabotage
Don't let the weekend sabotage AND SHENANIGANS derail your results. I know so many of you spend the entire week checking off your...

Lana Davis
2 min read
Is This Thing Working?

Lana Davis
2 min read
5 Empowering Non Scale Victories
Happy MonSlay! I hope you had a great weekend, and this 411 with Fits L reaches you in good spirits and positive vibes! August is a wrap...
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